At Cambridge IVF we strive to deliver the best possible patient experience. Feedback helps us to improve. Feedback (positive or negative) can be given to any member of staff at any time and in any form.
Here are some ways for you to share your feedback with us.
In Person – you can use one of our tablets which are available in Reception, Recovery and the upstairs clinic rooms. Just ask a member of staff for one. If you would prefer to speak to someone face to face, please ask our receptionist who will arrange this.
By telephone – please telephone us on 01223 349010, Option 3 and we will put you in touch with the relevant person.
Write to us – at Kefford House, Maris Lane, Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 9LG or email us at
Online – Access our online form to leave your feedback by clicking here (opens in a new tab) or by scanning the QR code below.

Cambridge IVF is committed to:
- Resolving complaints and concerns in an open, efficient, and courteous manner.
- Identifying actions arising from complaints and concerns and ensuring that practice and systems are improved and developed accordingly.
- Ensuring that patients are not prejudiced as a result of raising a complaint/concern.
We want to put things right and we will respond to all complaints fairly and promptly, using the information gained to improve our services.
If your complaint is made verbally and we can resolve it to your satisfaction within no longer than two working days after it is made, we will not register the issue as a formal complaint.
If we are unable to resolve the issue, we will ask you to put your complaint in writing and address it to
Complaints process

All complaints are dealt with in line with our Complaints Procedure below. When making a complaint please try to do so as soon as you can as it is our aim to put things right as quickly as possible. Please provide as much information as you can and let us know what outcome you are hoping to achieve.
Please be assured that raising a complaint will not have a negative impact on the care or treatment you receive.
Complaints about your fertility treatment
In Person – please ask a member of staff to arrange for you to speak to a manager.
By telephone – please telephone us on 01223 349010, Option 3 and we will put you in touch with the relevant person.
Write to us – at Kefford House, Maris Lane, Trumpington, Cambridge CB2 9LG or email us at
What happens when I make a complaint – our Complaints’ Procedure
If you wish your concerns to be registered as a formal complaint please contact us in writing at . We will send you a written acknowledgment of your complaint within two working days of receiving it.
The investigation of your complaint will be co-ordinated by a member of our management team and the contact details for this person will be given to you in the acknowledgment letter.
We aim to respond to complaints within 30 working days, depending on how complex the issues are. In the unlikely event that it takes longer than 30 working days to respond to your complaint, we will write to you to explain the reasons why.
Our written response will include an explanation of how and by whom the complaint has been considered, the conclusions reached and how they may affect you. It will confirm any actions that we may need to take because of your complaint.
If you are not happy with our response, the manager investigating your complaint will be pleased to discuss with you how we can resolve any outstanding issues. We can send you a further written response or arrange a meeting.
If we consider that we can do nothing further to resolve your complaint locally, we will inform you of this in writing.
You then have the further option of contacting the HFEA (opens in a new tab) to determine whether they are able to look further into your concerns. Other options include the CQC (opens in a new tab) (Care Quality Commission) , the General Medical Council (opens in a new tab), the Nursing and Midwifery Council (opens in a new tab), the Health and Care Professions Council (opens in a new tab) or the Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service (opens in a new tab)).
All complaints which we received are entered onto a Complaints’ Log and are discussed at our monthly Clinical Governance Meetings, our monthly Executive Meetings and are available for inspection by the HFEA at any time.