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NHS / Self-funded referrals

Cambridge IVF accepts self-funded patients from anywhere and NHS funded patients from the East of England, Hertfordshire and West Essex. Cambridge and Peterborough CCG have recently announced that they are to re-introduce NHS funded IVF – further details regarding eligibility criteria to be added here as soon as they are available.

If you are a self-funded patient you may self-refer.  For NHS-funded you should be referred by your GP or hospital consultant.

Are you eligible for NHS funding?

The NHS funding criteria varies depending on where you are registered with a GP. Please speak to your referring consultant about this.

NHS funding eligibility checklist

Cambridge IVF provides NHS treatment for the East of England, Hertfordshire and Essex. This checklist will help you to identify whether you may be eligible for funding.     

There are various aspects of NHS funding criteria for fertility treatment. We have summarised some of the key points below to help you identify your eligibility.

You and your partner should:

  • Have been trying to conceive naturally for 2-3 years, or
  • Been diagnosed with cause of absolute infertility which precludes any possibility of natural conception
  • Be non-smokers
  • Not have a living child from a current or previous relationship

If you are female you should:

  • Be aged between 23-42
  • Have a BMI (body mass index) between 19-30. To help understand how to calculate this click here. 
  • Not have undergone a sterilisation
  • Have an FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) of 8.9 or less (measured between day 2-4 of your cycle) within three months of your doctor referring you for IVF treatment.

If you are male you should:

  • Be aged under 55 (East of England, Hertfordshire and Essex)
  • Have a BMI under 35 (East of England Hertfordshire and Essex)
  • Not have had a sterilisation (even if it has been reversed)

If you meet the criterion above you may be entitled to NHS treatment. Please note this is not a comprehensive list. If you believe you may be eligible for NHS treatment the criterion will be discussed with you in further detail by the doctor in clinic. You can also speak to your GP or Cambridge IVF.  

We hope that this information has helped you to understand the funding criteria. These criterion are made by the funding authorities and are outside the control of Cambridge IVF and Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

Self funding

For those who are self funding usually your GP or hospital consultant will need to refer you to us. If you wish to undergo treatment at Cambridge IVF, please ask them to provide a letter of referral. Please ask your doctor to address referral letters to:

Cambridge IVF
Box 123
Cambridge University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Hills Road
CB2 0QQ 

If possible, your referral letter should include basic hormone profile blood tests, your medical and surgical history and a semen analysis result. We will review your letter and attached material and you will be offered an appropriate appointment, based on the information provided.

For details regarding referral for those who are NHS funded please see our fees / funding section.

Self referral

If you are paying for your own treatment you may self refer for treatment. There are a number of test results that you will need prior to commencing treatment and we will talk through with you what you need and how to arrange these tests if there are any you have not had.

You may self refer either by email or post. Please attach as much information as you have available and contact us if you need more information or assistance with the referral process.

Information evenings

We hold regular information sessions which gives you the opportunity to learn more about the treatments you would be having with us. Contact us today (opens in a new tab) to find out more.